Wow. What a beautiful piece of writing. After my mother passed away, she was often in my dreams, but just there, not saying anything, which was not like her. It turned out one of my sisters was having similar dreams, where Mother was just there, not saying anything. I got the sense that she was letting us know she was still keeping an eye on things, but not able to be involved in what was going on in our lives.

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That’s very beautiful. The silent presence of love.

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What a comforting dream!

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Your dream makes so much sense to me, from a viewer's perspective. In part, it seems to be about the network pressures to jazz up the show with action, supposedly "hot" hunks, etc. To the point where the show becomes unrecognizable. Also it's an actor's dream, which only you can understand/interpret.

Maybe the dream is in part about the character Bayliss and where the show stranded him. When I saw your post was about dreams, I thought, huh, I just had a dream about "Homicide" the other night/morning. At the risk of seeming like a crazy woman, I'll recount it. The dream involved other characters, but the last bit, the only thing I remembered, was about Bayliss. He was wandering the city as darkness closed in after dusk, trying to find his way. Surrounded by decrepit brick buildings, walking down alleys, it was a place he knew but had become unfamiliar. As I awoke, he was lost in the darkness, trying to get back, trying to get somewhere. The dream was triggered, I'm sure, by my having watched the Season 7 episode where Bayliss is "outed" by his website, a fellow officer he's been seeing, and his colleagues. It's such a bleak and painful episode, and I know worse is coming for the poor guy.

Why did I dream about a fictional character in a show that ended 24 years ago? Sure, I'm currently immersed in going through the DVDs episode by episode. But it's really a testament to the staying power of "Homicide." In its authenticity, most of these characters felt real. Viewers cared about them. We still do, I'm sure. It's a testament to everything about the show as it originated, including your performance.

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Omg! There’s an entire book here with all these dreams! Thanks for sharing. Bayliss is now a dream figure!

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Interesting dream. Recurring dreams often represent an insecurity or a project that hasn't been brought to fruition in your career or personal life. Speaking specifically about homicide life on the street I feel that your character was abandoned and just thrown to the side like the Christmas tree at the end of the season. The ending surprised me. They just kind of left the character hanging I didn't care for it.

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Your dream kind of sounds like something David Lynch would direct and I would definitely watch it.

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Me too. I love David Lynch.

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One day, driving through Hollywood, I was at the corner of Hollywood and La Brea Blvd. There, on a beautiful lawn was a man, smoking a cigarette, and sitting on a throne-ish chair next to a small elegant table holding an ashtray. And next to that was a very large Holstein cow. It was David Lynch doing his brand of PR for a movie called Inland Empire. In the extras on the Inland Empire dvd, David makes his favorite Quinoa recipe, while smoking. No Holstein. (I'm sure you can find that on Youtube) Love me some Lynch.

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Last bit, as I feel compelled to see the David Lynch thing through. It was a sort of throne - a directors chair, and it was an Lynchian Oscar plug for Laura Dern. So happy for the internet right now. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/david-lynch-oscar-for-your-consideration-ad-cow-laura-dern-inland-empire-hollywood-la-a7682481.html.

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An account on Threads posted pictures of this the other day, I immediately thought of your story

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