I think if I had tried to watch this on IFC back in the day I would have tapped out after 5 minutes of the Jonny character. He and the Frankie character are A LOT, and yes, very frustrating. Also because I had known a few people like that and I had no interest in revisiting that, even for a movie.

Now that I've seen it, I think its very good. For me it has the kind of New York energy that Smithereens has, and the characters are very human so you may like them and root for them or wish they'd get hit by a bus. I had the feeling that Jimmy and Denise would have been OK only if Jimmy didn't think he needed to constantly clean up after those guys.

The big BBQ scene at the park, they're all together having a good time and Jonny slaps Celia in front of everyone - Denise is telling her she wants to see Celia "walk away just one time." I was wishing she'd say that to Jimmy!

I was relieved by the ending. The whole time all that tension building up, I was certain one of the ladies would get it, or some bystander with no skin in their game. But I thought that was the ending Jonny and Frankie were headed for from the beginning.

I'll be looking for more Nick Gomez films, for sure

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